Danielle My name is Danielle, I'm married with two kiddos. My family and I are currently living overseas in Turkey because my husband is in the Air Force. It's been an adventure to say the least.
The ProSeller Corner When did you start designing at Zazzle and what made you choose them?
Danielle I started designing for Zazzle in early 2009 after I migrated from cafepress. I love the fact my customers can customize their designs themselves!
The ProSeller Corner Do you have any other stores at Zazzle?
Danielle I have another store, Cranberry Design, which is all about parties, but it is still a work in progress!
The ProSeller Corner What has been you best selling product?
Danielle My best selling product from my Because of the Brave is a Cookie Swap, or holiday party, invitation!
My best selling design from Cranberry Design is my Robot Party Invitations!

The ProSeller Corner What do you enjoy doing when you're not working on your store?
Danielle I recently fell in love with snorkeling. We spent a lot of time on the Mediterranean this summer and saw all sorts of fun sea creatures! Otherwise, I love spending time with my kids and doing craft and cooking projects with them!
The ProSeller Corner How do you balance your time between Zazzle and life?
Danielle My kids are both in school and at this time I stay at home, so it makes it pretty easy to balance. Zazzle and school during the day, family time in the afternoon and evening!
The ProSeller Corner How long had you been with Zazzle before you reached a ProSeller status?
Danielle I believe it was around 9 months, the first few months it was just about getting the store set up and once I was able to concentrate on creating new designs it was easier to reach ProSeller status.
The ProSeller Corner Getting noticed and becoming a ProSeller takes a lot of hard work and time. What advice would you give to those aspiring to become a ProSeller?
Danielle Don't over think anything! You're always your worst enemy and biggest critic. Always remember quality is more important than quantity, so keep designing and don't worry about sales... they will come.
I'm in love with your designs! They are so cute. You are very right about not over thinking everything, I think that's what is always putting me in a rut.
Thank you so much for the compliment and the interview! :)
Like your designs very cute. I also enjoyed reading your interview. It is good information for all who want to be pro sellers.
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