The ProSeller Corner Tell the world a little bit about yourself.
The ProSeller Corner When did you start designing at Zazzle and what made you choose them?
Ilene I really was clueless about Zazzle and any PODs until early 2009. I had been an art director and graphic designer in corporate communications, advertising and production for nearly 20 years and was a freelance designer/art director for many of those years. After I had my daughter, I left my big-shot art director position and stayed home with her. While on FB one day, I saw a status update by a friend (who I was friends with in high school and hadn't spoken to in 25 years... ahh, gotta love FB!). She had written that she had just received a $39 check from Zazzle for the sale of some postage stamps that she had made from a photograph of her ballerina daughter. I was intrigued so I checked it out. This woman is definitely NOT a designer and I thought with my background I should be able to pull it off. This was March of 2009 but I really
didn't get my store together until May of that year when I started posting products & made my first sale.
The ProSeller Corner Do you have any other stores at Zazzle?
- Star Stream Design is my main store & is an all-around one-stop shop. My focus is just to do great designs with the utmost care to typography. (I'm a little OCD about typography)
- Star Stream Business - With my experience in the business/marketing world it was just natural for me to open a shop just for business design. One of my favorite things to design on Zazzle are business cards and just about everything to do with corporate identity and branding.
I also have another shop in its infancy which is more of an apparel/fun stuff store. Its in its infancy so I will let you know when I get it together!!!
The ProSeller Corner What has been you best selling product?
Ilene Star Stream Design: My most popular designs is this bridal shower invitation and this Golden (50th) Anniversary invitation
BTW, the FPO pic on the anniv. invitation is that of my fabulous parents who get a kick out of seeing themselves on there.

Ilene I have a 6 yo daughter so much of my time is playing activities director for her. (She starts 1st grade full-time in the fall so I'm excited that I finally will get the time to finally work on Zazzle all day.) We do typical 6yo girl things together: playdates, PTA stuff, parks, shopping(!!). In the extremely limited free time I have I like to hit the gym 4 times/week. I'm huge on reading. If I have time I like to spend it creatively: drawing, painting, etc. I used to design jewelry but Zazzle took over the time I spent on that. I also do hand calligraphy (for weddings, etc.) but that has slowed down due to the economy & brides being pretty tech-savvy themselves (eg: printing their own computer-addressed calligraphy). I just like spending time with my family & we're always trying to find something fun to do or places to go.
The ProSeller Corner How do you balance your time between Zazzle and life?
Ilene Balancing life w/ Zazzling is a struggle everyday. I'm usually exhausted by 9:30pm as my daughter gets everyone in the house up at the crack of dawn and I'm running around morning to night. I don't get much of a break b/c my husband works full-time & sometimes weekends. I just try to fit in work whenever I get a spare moment, whether its at 5:30am before my daughter is up for the day or after she goes to bed, or even when she's on the other computer playing Build-A-Bear workshop. :-)
The ProSeller Corner How long had you been with Zazzle before you reached a ProSeller status?
Ilene It took me exactly a year to reach ProSeller status after I joined up. I wasn't too serious about getting products in until about 6 months in and then it just took off after I discovered better ways to promote myself.
The ProSeller Corner Getting noticed and becoming a ProSeller takes a lot of hard work and time. What advice would you give to those aspiring to become a ProSeller?
Ilene I felt very fortunate to become a ProSeller. All I can say, its no easy road & definitely no get rich quick scheme. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort to get there. Tag and describe your products well. Network & promote like crazy (but don't get too obnoxious about it). Read the forums and get involved. And I can't say enough about quality control. Make great products to which you would be proud to
sign your name.
I wish I knew about tagging right when I began. If everyone got a good understanding about it going in it would be a lot easier for them. Make sure you leave a comment here when your new store is ready.
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